House Rules

1. All repairs carried out at the Repair Café Malvern Hills (RCMH) are performed at the customer’s own risk.  The advice and repair service is conducted by experienced and competent volunteers and there is no charge but donations are welcome to cover costs including the purchase of tools and equipment and the development of the service.

2. Customers are expected to remain with the repairer while the repair is being carried out in order to see how the repair is being done and to learn new skills.  Items should not be left with the repairer and collected later but should the repairer offer to complete a repair at home, neither the repairer nor RCMH can assume any responsibility for the item’s safe-keeping.  The repairer and customer must exchange contact details and the customer is responsible for collecting the repaired item from the repairer.

3. Neither the organisers of RCMH nor the repairers in personal capacities or otherwise are liable for any loss or injury whatsoever that may result from any repair carried out or for any advice or instructions given and used at a later date.  

4. Neither the organisers of RCMH nor the repairers in personal capacities or otherwise are liable for any accidental damage that may occur to either visitors’ goods (including vehicles parked at owners’ risk in the Malvern Cube car park) or personal effects during visitors’ time at the sessions.

5. The customer is responsible for providing any consumables such as leads, plugs, fuses, zips, etc. that may be needed to fully complete a repair. Advice will be given on what is required.

6. Repairers offer no guarantee for any repairs carried out with or without their help and are not liable if any repaired items do not work properly at home or break down again in the future.

7. After making an initial assessment of an item, repairers are fully entitled to use their discretion and refuse to repair an item should they so decide.

8. Customers are responsible for the removal of all items that cannot be repaired.

9. If considered necessary, electrical Items will be referred to our qualified PAT tester after registration.   RCMH reserves the right to refuse to accept for repair any item that is considered too dangerous and/or damaged or obviously beyond repair.

10. RCMH takes no responsibility in any form whatever for any item, repaired or otherwise, once it has left the premises where the Repair Café session is taking place.

11. PLEASE NOTE:  Potentially dangerous tools and equipment are present in the repair zone and sometimes used in repairs.  Parents must exercise control over, and be responsible for, the behaviour of their children whilst attending the Repair Café Malvern Hills.

The Management
Repair Café Malvern Hills
January 2024