Mission Statement
Repair Café Malvern Hills is committed to providing a high quality, dependable and honest advice and repair service to all its customers. Everyone is welcome and the organisers endeavour to ensure that all volunteers, visitors and customers enjoy the best possible Repair Café experience. As the lead Repair Café in the Herefordshire and Worcestershire and West Midlands RC networks, RCMH aims to continue to increase the quantity and quality of Repair Cafés in the region by providing support and assistance as required.
This Volunteer Policy demonstrates our commitment to our volunteers, our consistency in our decision-making process and clarity on how volunteers can expect to be treated in their roles within Repair Café Malvern Hills (RCMH).
RCMH is a volunteer-led community project that offers a range of social, environmental and economic benefits to its local community. Its main aim is to highlight the merits of repairing a personal or household possession instead of throwing it away. It offers a social meeting place where people of all ages and backgrounds can bring their damaged, broken or torn possessions to be repaired. It recognises and values those who have a wide range of hands-on practical and inter-personal skills and relies on its committed team of volunteers to deliver and maintain a high-quality and reliable repair and advice service. There is no charge but customers are encouraged to leave a donation.
Volunteers are usually recruited by word of mouth or as the result of visiting RCMH as a customer. New volunteers are invited to meet one of the founders for a very informal interview and asked to complete a Volunteer Application form giving their contact details, information on the skills they can offer and the reason why they wish to volunteer. They are also asked to disclose any serious health issues and to complete an Emergency Contact form. In accordance with GDPR legislation, volunteers now need to give permission for their personal details to be stored securely by RCMH.
RCMH does not carry out DBS checks or take up references. All volunteers are recruited on the basis of trust, honesty and friendship.
Induction and Training
A full explanation of how a Repair Café session operates is given at the pre-Repair Café meeting. Non-repairers are given the opportunity to select a role to which they feel most suited, e.g. front-of house or café duties. Volunteers are encouraged to ask to move to another role if they so wish and should discuss this with Jan Dyer in the first instance. Every effort is made to ensure that volunteers are happy and comfortable with what is being asked of them.
Repairers are not required to show proof of their professional qualifications and/or training and they should only attempt repairs for which they have the necessary skills, competence and expertise. Repairers are encouraged to work together and learn from each other.
Equal Opportunities and Diversity
RCMH is committed to equal opportunities. Those from different backgrounds, age groups, cultures, genders and outlooks are encouraged to volunteer to increase diversity and offer a fresh approach. Volunteers with a disability are also welcome. RCMH is making efforts to encourage young students to join the repair team and be supervised by a mentor.
Health and Safety
RCMH accepts that it has a duty of care to avoid exposing its volunteers, visitors and customers to any risks which may affect their health, safety and well-being. The Emergency Contact form completed by all volunteers names a relative or friend who can be contacted in the event of an emergency. A Risk Assessment covering the normal activities undertaken at RCMH sessions was drawn up in 2015 and is available to all volunteers on request. This is reviewed and updated on a regular basis.
All volunteers are expected to take responsibility for their own health and safety whilst on the premises and follow the correct safety procedures when fulfilling their RCMH roles. Volunteers are also expected to take full responsibility for the security and safety of their personal possessions and equipment whilst attending a session.
In addition to the Public Liability insurance provided at the current venue, Malvern Cube, Albert Road North, Malvern, WR14 2YF, RCMH has additional public liability insurance with JST Insurance Services/AXA. This covers all the higher risk activities listed in the Risk Assessment and also provides cover for all new Repair Cafés, supported by RCMH, opening under the auspices of the Repair Café Herefordshire and Worcestershire (RCH&W) and Repair Café West Midlands (RCWM) networks.
All volunteers are required to complete and sign the GDPR form which gives permission for their personal email addresses to be shared amongst the volunteer team. Details provided on the Volunteer Application Form and Emergency Contact Form are regarded as confidential and never shared with other volunteers or third parties.
Customers are asked to provide an email address when completing the RCMH registration form so they can be informed about future Repair Café events. These are confidential and added to the RCMH mailing list. When reminder messages about Repair Café events are sent to customers, they are always blind-copied (bcc) to protect their privacy.
No volunteer should ever be out-of-pocket and full reimbursement of any purchases or other expenses is always made promptly. Volunteers are asked to produce a receipt if possible. If a purchase is made via the internet, a copy of the e-invoice should be passed to the Treasurer. Motor mileage and subsistence expenses are always paid when a volunteer attends a Repair Café outreach session or assists at one of the new Repair Cafés in the network. Repairers are asked to inform the Repair Manager when any consumables, etc. need replenishing or new equipment is needed.
In the event of a problem or concern, volunteers are asked to speak to Jan Dyer in the first instance.
Roles and Responsibilities of the Repairers / Sewing Team
a. All repairers are reminded that RCMH acts as a ‘clinic’ and not a ‘hospital’. With this in mind, repairers are asked to make as quick a diagnosis of a problem as possible and a decision on whether to proceed with the repair. If a repair is likely to take a long time or requires a spare part, items can now be referred to the mobile ‘deliver, repair, collect’ (DRC) system and this is offered to customers as an alternative so the repair can be completed at the repairer’s home. Customers are required to give their permission by signing the registration form.
b. Repairers have the right to refuse any item for repair that:
- is likely to take too long to fix at a normal session
- requires replacement of a part that the customer has not provided
- requires specialist skills and/or equipment and tools that are not available at the session
- is considered to be a potential danger to the repairer
- is in so bad a state of disrepair/damage that a repair is unlikely to be successful and could be a potential hazard to the repairer and the customer
The sewing team is never expected to accept a dirty, soiled or smelly garment for repair. A customer should be asked to wash the item and bring it to the next session. Items unlikely to benefit from a repair should also be refused.
c. If a repairer is unable or does not wish to attempt a repair for any reason, s/he is not required to justify this decision but should offer as much advice as possible to the customer.
d. Repairers are expected to involve the customer in the repair of the item as much as is safely and practically possible. They are also expected to share their skills with the customer.
e. Previously, repairers were not encouraged to take items home in order to complete a repair. However, this policy has been relaxed since 2019 and the pandemic restrictions especially in the case of clocks and furniture repairs that need more specialist attention. When a repairer makes a private arrangement with a customer, it is at the sole discretion and responsibility of both parties and contact details must always be exchanged. Printed RCMH cards are available for this.
f. Customers are not allowed to leave an item with a repairer and collect it later in the morning. Should a customer wish to do this, repairers should refer to Jan Dyer for a decision, as this situation may be acceptable in extenuating circumstances.
Roles and Responsibilities of Reception / Front-of-House
As the first points of contact, FoH volunteers should greet all visitors and customers with a welcoming smile. Reception and FoH work together closely as a team, constantly liaising with each other to ensure every customer enjoys a smooth transition from reception to the repair zone. Under the current one-way system, customers with more than one item must prioritise which is dealt with first. Following the first repair, they must exit by the door in the repair zone (main hall) and return to reception to register their next item.
FoH volunteers have a responsibility to:
- Treat everyone fairly and with respect and be polite at all times;
- Clearly explain the registration and repair zone procedures to all first-time customers;
- Assist customers with completion of the registration form if necessary;
- Check customers’ items brought for repair so that the correct details are recorded on the registration form;
- Offer assistance to members of the public who have mobility or other issues;
- Deal calmly, firmly and politely with any complaint or difficult situation that arises with a member of the public. Refer the matter to Jan Dyer if necessary;
- In the event of a delay due to high demand, keep customers in the café and waiting areas regularly informed
- Ensure that customers’ items for repair are stored safely and do not present a trip hazard in the café or reception area.
Role and Responsibilities of the Organisers
- To keep all volunteers safe and secure during each session;
- To ensure that volunteers feel comfortable and contented in their roles;
- To ensure that every new volunteer is welcomed and works alongside a regular to help them get used to the system;
- To provide free refreshments to all volunteers throughout the three hour session. Volunteers are asked to notify management of any special dietary requirements that are not being met;
- To encourage volunteers to ask for any replacement or additional stock needed and promptly fulfil requests for tools and/or consumables;
- To consult all volunteers in the event of any planned changes and to treat all comments and opinions equally and with respect. However, the organisers reserve the right to make the final decision when a consensus cannot be reached. The future viability of RCMH is always the top priority in any decision;
- To respect and value everyone’s contribution to the project and do their best to meet the individual wishes of each volunteer;
- To ensure that all customers and volunteers are welcomed and treated politely and fairly.
Malvern Cube is a large premises to manage efficiently and we welcome suggestions and ideas from the volunteer team on how to improve the Repair Café experience for volunteers, customers and visitors. Volunteers are always encouraged to provide feedback and/or make suggestions to a member of the RCMH Management Team.
July 2024